Friday, October 5, 2012

Fussy Cut Hexagons

My Pinterest is full of fussy cut hexagons  at the moment.  I have been wanting to try fussy cutting along a striped fabric instead of just getting a motif onto the hexagon.  Isn't this pretty fabric.
I have a collection of acrylic templates that are kind of odd sizes.  This one is about 1 1/4", but not quiet.  It seemed to be a size that would work well.  I auditioned a few.  Then I cut my hexies out of freezer paper.  I positioned the freezer paper on the same motif for all six pieces.  
Basted and stitched them together.  Both of these hexagons are made from the same striped fabric, but with a very different result depending on where you decide to position your paper.
Give it a try!  I promise it is lots of fun!


  1. i too love to fussy cut hexies - yours turned out great. Nice tutorial!

  2. Awesome! I think I have some of this in my new hexie stash!!
