Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Crumb Quilt!

No good can come from trawling Pinterest!  I came across a crumb quilt and then started looking at other ones too.  Soon my head was filled with Possibilities.  I have two huge bags full of crumbs.  So what is a girl to do?  Start a crumb quilt of course.

A good starting point was to grab a strip and then attach some crumbs to the strip.  Next, iron them open and trim them off with straight lines.  You need straight lines otherwise your block will not lay flat. 
Then you build onto the pieces with strips, or make a strip out of crumbs.  I chose a 6.5" block.  When you have a piece of created fabric which is big enough, cut out your square.  If there are any interesting trimmings you can stitch that to a strip of fabric to build another block.  I work on several blocks at the same time so that I am not jumping up and down like a yoyo to and from the ironing board.  I have added sashing to the blocks already.  I plan to add a cornerstone too, when I put the rows together.  I have made a bunch of blocks and have just managed to fluff the fabric in the crumb bag to look like even more fabric!!!! This is a very fun exercise and I have enjoyed making the blocks immensely.


  1. I have made a crumb quilt with flannel and plan to do many more because they are so much fun to make. I like the construction of yours. It's even less complicated than my way of making blocks. Can't wait to see more of this one. Enjoy!

  2. My kind of quilt (though I haven't heard it referred to as a 'crumb quilt' before). It looks like you are having lots of fun with it.
