Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Visit to the Arboretum

 Yesterday was the last full day of having our sons home for Spring Break.  We decided to pack a picnic and visit the Dallas Arboretum.  The weather was wonderful - in the 80's and quiet humid.  We had missed the tulips at the height of their beauty, but some were still left and the flowers were spectacular!!  We had so much fun!!!  Here are a few photo's of the flowers for you to enjoy.
 Japanese Snowball.
 Azaleas.  Oh my gosh the Azaleas are so very beautiful.  They were so big and in full bloom.  My son did tell me that they are even more spectacular in Charleston (that is where he goes to college).

 The colors are just so vivid.  I love the lesson in color that nature provides.  My philosophy is if it is present in nature, it will look wonderful in a quilt!!
I wish you a peaceful Sunday before the start of a new week.


  1. Thanks so much for the pictures - the flowers are all beautiful!

  2. Great blog Arnie! Keep up the excellent work! John
