Monday, July 7, 2014

Annual Piggy Bank Challenge!

Valerie Reynolds has issued a challenge.....
How about we all save our coins and perhaps $1 and $5 bills for a year.  On the 6th of July next year we take our Piggy Banks to the bank for counting and then go on a quilty shopping spree.  Sounds good to me.  You can find more details here....
or on the button to the right of my blog.  Here is my Piggy Bank!  I bought him a few years back from a store that has things from all over the world.  I love cats so he appealed to me in a big way.
 He has an udder!  Too funny!  His belly slides open to reveal your cash stash!  I will have to trade him out after a few months for a bigger container though.  Enjoy your savings drive and let's see how much we can save for that spending spree.


  1. Sounds like a great challenge. I already do something similar for my annual camping fund. I go to several quilt stores while camping...does that count? Good luck on your piggy fund project!

  2. glad you joined the challenge and I LOVE your savings bank...the most unique out of the bunch!

  3. Gosh looks like he can hold a lot of spare change for you coin challenge.

  4. He is a cutey! So funny that he has an udder. You may have to save up for a new piggy bank.
